Please note that Coast Guard has announced a new Disposition SNAV NA9 Nº 027/16 with new sailing draft restrictions, increasing the safety marging under the keel to be in force as from November 25th, 2016 until February 24th, 2017.
New UKC will be considered for two different sections of the river as follows:
Parana River from Timbues / San Lorenzo up to Parana de las Las Palmas km 57
Up to sailing draft 10,36 mts - UKC to be 0,60 mts
From draft 10,36 mts to 10,49 mts - UKC to be increased 3 centimeters for each additional centimeter over 10,36 mts
From draft 10,50 mts in advance - UKC to be 10% of the static vessel's draft (bss draft 10,50 mts UKC = 1,05 mts)
From Rio Parana de las Palmas km 57 up to Recalada
From draft 10,36 mts to 10,67 mt s - UKC to to be increased 1,5 centimeters for each additional centimeter over 10,36 mts
From draft 10,68 mts in advance - UKC to be 10% of the static vessel's draft
We'll keep you posted.