Please be advised that as per Decree 37/2025 published on Jan 20th in the Official Bulletin the presence of Watchmen will no longer be compulsory; an became optional for all vessels in Argentinean ports.
Coast Guard amended the “Regulation of the Port Security Regime” officially informing that the use of Watchmen will be optional and not mandatory.
Please find hereunder the free translation of article N°4 of government decree published in the Official Bulletin.
ARTICLE 4.- Section 2 of Chapter II of Title II of the Annex “Regulation of the Port Security Regime” of Decree No. 890 of April 25, 1980 shall be substituted with the following:
Section 2 - Ship watchmen:
202.0201. Duties:
The duties of the night watchman shall consist of the general surveillance of ships moored in port, as well as of cargo or merchandise deposited on docks, banks and squares.
202.0202. Freedom of ships to hire watchmen
The hiring of watchmen by all vessels shall be optional.”
ARTICLE 6.- This measure will enter into force upon publication in the OFFICIAL BULLETIN.
We´ll keep you duly posted.
Best Regards