Pls note that pilots informed that, as a result of the present river conditions, a dramatical reduction of the river depth has been noted at Parana and Uruguay Rivers' mouth on Parana Bravo river which has resulted in m.v. CALLIO (already refloated and sailed out) and ELENI M (still aground) going aground at Km 138 of Parana Bravo. There will be no soundings of the area until m.v. ELENI M refloats and the only safe draft information to sail out from Nueva Palmira
port is the one provided by uruguayan pilots for Martin Garcia channel (8,23 Mts for vessels up to Panamax size and 7,50 Mts for vessels over Panamax size). We will revert once m.v. ELENI M refloats and new soundings are
performed at the area.