San Lorenzo: No strikes going on. The unions held a meeting on May 5th and decided not to go on strike
Rosario: Oil workers union on strike since May May 4th at 1525 hrs for an undetermined time period,
affecting VGG, Punta Alvear and General Lagos berths
Also, Stevedores are working 3 out of every 6 hours at Terminal Puerto Rosario berth
Villa Constitución: No strikes going on.
San Nicolás: No strikes going on.
Ramallo: Oil worker union on strike since May 6th. Plant personnel can not access the terminal due to
blockades established at the gates
Campana: No strikes going on.
Necochea: No strikes going on
Bahía Blanca: Oil workers union on strike at OMHSA berth. All other terminals are experiencing problems to
manufacture by-products (meals/oils) due to Oil workers union strike. The are loading grains
normally. There are no blockades so far.
The Oil Workers Union will be holding a members assembly today at 1700 hrs in order to contemplate lifting the strike
We will follow the situation and revert if there are any changes