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698 News found

Boat clerks Union / Mooring gang workers strike at San Lorenzo port lifted

At 1500hs strike in force in San Lorenzo since Sept 5th at 0700hs was finally lifted. 
Boat service is being rendered again at San Lorenzo port. 


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Boats strike would be lifted in the next few hours (arnd 1500 hrs)

In a turn of events, it has been heard that the boats trike would be lifted today around 1500 hrs.

We will revert once the strike is over.

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Boats strike remains in force in San Lorenzo port

Pls note that boats strike remains in force in San Lorenzo port since Sept 5th at 07:00 hrs, affecting mooring/unmooring services and boat trips tothe roads. There will be a new meeting between Mooring gang workers and the companies representatives tmw arnd noontime. We will revert if any news ar

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Port Status Since

Bahía BlancaOpen16/03/2019 - 0300 hs
NecocheaOpen03/12/2019 - 0920 hs
RamalloOpen12/10/2017 - 0730 hs
RosarioOpen19/03/2019 - 1710 hs
San LorenzoOpen16/09/2019 - 0820 hs
San NicolásOpen12/10/2017 - 0730 hs
V.ConstituciónOpen12/10/2017 - 0730 hs
CampanaOpen20/04/2017 - 0840 hs
ZárateOpen02/06/2017 - 1040 hs
Zona ComunOpen15/07/2019 - 1240 hs
Recalada P.S.Open19/06/2019 - 0830 hs