
  • AmCham
  • Cámara Argentino - China
  • Cámara Argentino - Holandesa
  • Cámara del Asia
  • Cámara Heleno - Argentina
  • Bimco
  • Itic
  • ISO certified CO
  • Centro de navegación
  • Fonasba

Increase on Channel Tolls as from September 21st, 2024

Date: 20/09/2024

Administración General de Puertos (AGP) will publish this Friday Sept 20th new tariff on the Toll Fees applicable to the transit through River Plate and Parana rivers. The percentage of increase is 40% and will be in force as from this Saturday ( September 21st, 2024).


The Basic Rate stipulated for this concession contract is FOUR UNITED STATES DOLLARS WITH THIRTY CENTS (USD 4.30) per TRN (net tons) for international transport and a rate of EIGHT HUNDRED TWENTY FOUR PESOS WITH EIGHTY CENTS ($824.80) per TRN for domestic shipping. The rate for domestic shipping will have an automatic quarterly review adjustable style='width:100%;font-family:Verdana,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:14px;' by the Inflation index (IPC), if applicable.


Port Status Since

Bahía BlancaOpen16/03/2019 - 0300 hs
NecocheaOpen03/12/2019 - 0920 hs
RamalloOpen12/10/2017 - 0730 hs
RosarioOpen19/03/2019 - 1710 hs
San LorenzoOpen16/09/2019 - 0820 hs
San NicolásOpen12/10/2017 - 0730 hs
V.ConstituciónOpen12/10/2017 - 0730 hs
CampanaOpen20/04/2017 - 0840 hs
ZárateOpen02/06/2017 - 1040 hs
Zona ComunOpen15/07/2019 - 1240 hs
Recalada P.S.Open19/06/2019 - 0830 hs